Our Team

  • Stephanie Drakulic

    President, Webmaster, Accounting

    City of residence: Portland, OR

    Year joining NWPA board: 2017

    What she loves about the NWPA: I love that the tour has a long history of passionate show-runners and dedicated players. I also love getting to compete against some of the strongest players in the US.

  • Kira North

    Venue Liason/ Entries

    City of residence: Portland, OR

    Year joining NWPA board: 2019

    What she loves about the NWPA: I love that it's a real shot to play against many of the highly competitive women in the area.

  • Sophia Tran

    Sponsorship & Fundraising

    City of residence: Federal Way, WA

    Year joining NWPA board: 2020

    What she loves about the NWPA: The NWPA has a consistent presence in the pool community. Since the start of my pool journey, one of my goals was to become a member and participate in the tour stops.

    As time progressed, I befriended and/or got acquainted with many amazing women who are part of the tour. The diverse group of ladies lead equally diverse lives. I am constantly inspired. With that, I am honored to be a part of the NWPA board.

    Cheers to the future!

  • Nicole Donisi

    Media: Graphic Design & Streaming

    City of residence: Portland, OR

    Year joining NWPA Board: 2022

    What she loves about the NWPA:

    I enjoy bringing our organization into the modern age via professional media so that everyone can see how amazing our community and players are. The growth in my game from playing in NWPA is undeniable, I love the challenge and mentorship of the tough women on this tour.

  • Chris Rogers

    Tournament Director

    City of residence: Seattle, WA

    Year joining NWPA board: 2008

    Chris is a National BCA referee and has been a tournament director for professional and semi-professional pool tournaments, including WPBA and NAPT, since 2010.

  • Mike Dominguez

    General Tour Support

    City of residence: Seattle, WA

    Year joining NWPA Board: 2021

    Mike is part owner of one our amazing venues, Ox Billiards. He is a big supporter of women in pool, recently hosting the first US Women’s Snooker Championships at his venue.

  • Anna Russo


  • Aimee McDonnell

    Treasurer, Accounting , Opperations Support

    City of residence: Abbotsford, BC, Canada

    Year joining NWPA board: 2024